Embody Transformation is currently facilitating work at the intersections of Abolition and Birthing Justice. We are supporting the launch of a joint statement that brings together a vision, analysis and practices from both movements. See sections below to:
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Inspired by the joint statement created by Critical Resistance and INCITE! in 2001, a group of BIPOC organizers, birth workers, artists and activists met in May 2022 to collectively reflect on the intersections of abolition organizing and birthing justice work. This initial gathering was facilitated by Embody Transformation with support from the National Perinatal Taskforce. That moment led to the creation of this statement. A smaller group met again in February of 2023 to continue to co-think. A statement development sub-group was created at the February gathering. That smaller group has finalized the statement we are sharing with all of you here.
The crew that worked on the statement represents a cross section of U.S.-based Black, Indigenous, and people of color who have been involved in organizing efforts from both areas: abolition and reproductive justice. Some of us engage in prison and police abolition work and others work in birthing justice. The group includes people directly impacted by the violence of policing and the medical industrial complex. We are activists, artists, writers, organizers, parents, doulas, midwives, and scholars. This project was initially launched by Embody Transformation with support from the National Perinatal Task Force. Support for the design and dissemination of this statement is provided by the Communities Transforming Policing Fund of Borealis Philanthropy. The art and illustrations were created by artist Toya Beacham.
Embody Transformation | Embody Transformation Collective
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